Family provision claims when the deceased estate is located in NSW

A family provision claim is an application to the court to seek adequate provision from the Estate of a deceased person.

Turnbull Hill Lawyers has helped thousands of clients successfully lodge family provision claims. This includes representing individuals in court (if required) throughout the duration of the proceedings that follow a family provision claim.

If you are considering lodging a family provision claim, rest assured our Contested Wills & Estates team  has the skill set and experience needed to get the job done to ensure your claim achieves a favourable outcome.

Our Accredited Specialist, Adrian Corbould has helped hundreds of clients achieve favourable outcomes in family provision claims.

We’ve developed this comprehensive list of frequently asked questions to help you better understand family provision claims.

1. Who can make a family provision claim?

We have listed everyone who is eligible to make a family provision claim in NSW on our Contesting a will page. Visit that page and read FAQ #2.

See Also: Contesting a will in NSW

2. Is there a time limit for making a family provision claim?

We have listed the time limits associated with making a family provision claim in NSW on our Contesting a will page. Visit that page and read FAQ #4

3. What factors does the court consider in a family provision claim?

We have listed all of the factors the court considers in a family provision claim in NSW on our Contesting a will page. Visit that page and read FAQ #6.

See Also: Contesting a will in NSW

Turnbull Hill Lawyers, and specifically Adrian Corbould, have been named in the prestigious 2024 Doyles Guide. Both have been listed in the guide since 2018.

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