What is the minimum age for making a Will?
Video transcript Hello, Adrian Corbould, Accredited Specialist – Wills and Estates, Turnbull Hill Lawyers. Today’s question is what is the minimum age someone can make a will? Section 5 of the Succession...
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Case Summary: Penninger v Penninger [2017] NSWSC 892
On 6 July 2017, the Supreme Court of NSW handed down its decision in the case of Penninger v Penninger [2017] NSWSC 892. In this case, the plaintiff was the daughter...
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What happens if the time limit to contest proceedings has expired?
In New South Wales the time limit to commence proceedings for a family provision claim is 12 months from the date of death of the deceased person. You may be...
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What happens if the deceased gave away their property before they died?
What happens if the deceased gave away property before they died? An article that provides helpful information in relation to the property of the deceased.
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What family members can make a claim on an estate?
Answering the above question is not always going to give the same answer. Often, the answer will depend on the particular fact circumstances unique to every family. The answer will...
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No reward for inheritance impatience
Under the "forfeiture rule" - where a person is guilty of murder, manslaughter or "unlawfully killing" another person, the offender cannot benefit from the deceased following the killing, for example,...
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Making a video will – most likely will end up on the cutting room floor
You've seen the movies - following the eccentric billionaire's death, a video of their last wishes is played to an audience of (usually disappointed) relatives.
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How to Obtain a Copy of the Will
How do obtain a copy of the Will? This article explains what you need to do in order to acquire a copy of the deceased's Will. Read more...
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Estrangement: What does it mean in the law of succession in New South Wales?
Estrangement has been described as “the condition which results from the attitudes or conduct of one or both parties” (Andrews v Andrews [2011] NSWSC 115). On some occasions in claims...
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Delusional Father Leaves Everything to Charity
Contesting a Will when everything has been left to charity… 2015 – Update Following on from the previous article below, this case has now settled at the Supreme Court of South...
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